Andrew Carnegie – Part I
Brendan Feeley M.A., D.Ay.
Copyright: This article is the property of the author and cannot be reproduced in any form in part or in full,without the expressed permission from the author.
Andrew Carnegie was born on November 25, 1835 and the birth time presented to us on Astrodatabank is 6:00 am. It receives a Rodden Rating of DD, the lowest level of confidence in data accuracy, classifying the data source as “conflicting” and “unverified.” We have a story and we are told that “the midwife hurried to tell the man, waiting in near darkness by his loom, that his son was born.” We are fortunate that the story of his birth gives us a great deal of confidence that the native was born sometime before Sunrise (7:55:55 am) on that day in that lovely town of Dunfermline, on the northern shore of the Firth of Forth, just north of Edinburgh, in Fife, Scotland.
Andrew Carnegie grew up in a one-bedroom weavers cottage and many writers refer to his early life as one of poverty, but that was typical of any working class family in that time period. At the age of 12 he immigrated to the USA to become one of the wealthiest men in history. His wealth came from his leadership, innovation and enterprise in the American steel industry, but he became famous not just because of his wealth but because of his philanthropy. Carnegie believed that those who had amassed fortune were morally obliged to promote the public good and support the welfare of culture and society, the community in which they lived. He lived by his own philosophy of altruism and philanthropy. By the end of his life he had donated 90% of his wealth to libraries, universities, charities and foundations in the USA and his hometown in Scotland. He’s regarded to be Dunfermline’s most famous son; and the town has a long list of famous poets, writers, engineers, scientists and royals as its sons and daughters. An important list of members of British Royalty were born in the Royal Palace at Dunfermline.
The chart has to be rectified based upon all the classical principles of Vedic Astrology and the purpose of this article is to illustrate that rectification as a case study.
The chart was rectified using D-1, D-2, D-4, D-9, D-10 and D-12 and the time of birth was adjusted to 5:29:57 am LMT. I use the D-1 Bhava Chalit Chakra chart throughout this article, and this is based on the teachings of Maharishi Parasara in his famous Brihat Parasara Hora Chakra.
This is a powerful chart with many excellent Raj Yogas and Dhana Yogas that indicate power, fame, wealth and philanthropy. I want to show why the native had such an exalted and fortunate destiny based on the placement of the grahas in his chart.
D-1, Bhava Chalit Chakra
Yogas for Power & Leadership
There are many excellent yogas in this chart that give rise to the kind of power, fame and leadership that Carnegie displayed throughout his life.
The Yogakaraka planet Saturn is exalted in the lagna forming a Sasa yoga which can make one a leader and gives “command over many servants” or “the head of the village.” Carnegie gave employment to many workers, perhaps thousands, in his coal and steel processing plants in Pennsylvania.
We also see some Rajayogas formed because of the conjunction of kendra and trikona lords. Saturn, lord of the 4th and 5th bhavas, and Mercury, the lord of the 9th, gives rise to an even greater capacity for success and high achievement. Venus and Mars also conjoin as lords of kendras.
But what makes this chart exceptional is that Mercury and Saturn are both Maha Yogada planets. Yogada planets bring into relationship the Lagna, the Hora Lagna (HL) and the Ghati Lagna (GL). The HL and GL are referred to as special lagnas by Sage Parasara. The HL moves twice as fast as the Lagna and has to do with financial matters, while the GL has to do with power and authority and moves five times as fast as the regular lagna. Any planet that brings either the Lagna / HL or Lagna / GL into relationship is referred to as a Yogada and will promote wealth and power respectively. But when a planet brings all three lagnas into relationship it becomes a Maha Yogada planet and gives rise to great power and wealth. Mercury and Saturn are Maha Yogada planets in this chart, while Venus and Mars are Yogadas related to the GL. Rasi dristhi is used to evaluate such relationships.
Lagna & Atmakaraka: The lagna lord Venus is also the AtmaKaraka planet. When the AK planet also happens to be the lagna Lord, it is said that the native is aware that there’s a soul in the body, and it gives rise to high spirituality. In addition, the AK planet occupies the 1st house in the Navamsa; and this too is a combination for high spirituality as well as fame because of his good deeds in past lives. And often such individuals leave a lasting legacy and are remembered for their work long after they leave this world.
Dhana Yogas: The Lagna Lord, Venus, is placed in the second house in the sign of Scorpio conjoined the second lords, Mars and Ketu, and the eleventh lord, the Sun. This gives rise to powerful Dhana Yogas both from the Lagna and Moon. The Sun, Mars, Venus and Ketu conjoined in the Paka Lagna, Scorpio, indicates that the source of his wealth was a technical and engineering enterprise that had a strong element of fire, Agni tattva, associated with the industry. This is befitting for the transformation of iron ore from its crude form, ruled by Saturn, to a refined engineering construction material with great strength, ruled by Mars, a final product that was used for the manufacture of machines, railroads, trains, bridges, buildings, wire, weapons and structural shapes. That combination of planets conjoined in the sign of Scorpio made him a hard working and ambitious man. The Sun and Mars conjoined is a powerful combination for drive, leadership and accomplishment.
In the mid-1880s, Carnegie invested in vast coal lands because coal was used as the source of heat to smelt the iron ore and transform it into the refined product, iron and steel. Around the age of 36, the year of maturity of Saturn, Carnegie realized that the future was in steel as opposed to iron. Breakthroughs in metallurgical science gave rise to the manufacture of steel, a much stronger material for almost all applications, and it soon replaced iron as the preferred construction material for the industries of that age.
Nakshatras & Strength of Yogas: To evaluate the strength of yogas, we must always examine the strength of the nakshatra dispositors. If the nakshatra dispositors are related to the functional benefics or the Yoga Karaka planets for that chart, then we can be assured that the Yoga will produce powerful results. The nakshatra dispositor has a vital say in the capacity of a planet to give results and if we ignore the dispositor, we may fail to carry out a thorough analysis of a kundali and our prediction will not be correct.
So in this case, Venus the Lagna Lord and Atmakaraka is in Jyestha nakshatra, which is ruled by Mercury the ninth and the twelfth lord, and Mercury is placed in the Lagna where it receives digbala and is conjoined exalted Yoga Karaka Saturn and aspected by Jupiter from the 9th bhava.
The 7th house is to be judged to see if the native has a capacity to have his own business. Here we have Kendra-Trikona lords Mars, the lord of the 7th conjoined Venus, the lagna lord, again in Jyestha nakshatra. The Sun, another planet that contributes to the Dhana Yoga, as lord of the 11th house, is also well placed in Anuradha nakshatra, which is ruled by Yoga Karaka Saturn. These are exceptional yogas for prosperity and wealth in business.
The Moon & the Subhapati
Janma Nakshatra: His Janma nakshatra is Sravana, ruled by the Moon, and this nakshatra is related to the ears and one’s capacity to listen.
Sravana natives acquire knowledge by listening to their own inner wisdom as well as that of others
and they are extremely sensitive to what others say about them. They take great
care to establish a good reputation so that others speak kindly of them.
Knowledge and learning is important to Sravana natives and although Carnegie did not have the privilege of a high school education, he took it upon himself, while still a teenager, to cultivate his learning in the local libraries in western Pennsylvania as well as the library of Colonel James Anderson, who allowed him to study in his 400 volume collection in his free time. The Colonel recognized his intelligence and encouraged his learning while he worked 12-hour days in the cotton mills and the railroads. He showed his gratitude to Colonel Anderson later in his life by offering opportunity to others through his donations to libraries in the USA and abroad. Education and learning were always dear to him and a good deal of his philanthropy was in support of educational institutions.
The Moon: The Moon is in the in the sign of Capricorn, in the 4th bhava, which has to do with early education and learning, and here it receives digbala, and receives additional strength by its occupation in its own nakshatra. The great Yoga forming Saturn as Lord of the 4th and placed in the Lagna shows why Carnegie was extremely attached to his mother and didn’t marry until she left the world. He wrote the following in his biography:
Perhaps some day I may be able to tell the world something of this heroine, but I
doubt it. I feel her to be sacred to myself and not for others to know.
None could ever really know her–I alone did that. After my
father’s early death she was all my own.
It should not be a surprise that with such Moon like sentiments towards his own mother that Carnegie remained a bachelor until his mother died in 1886, and at the age of 51 he married Louise Whitfield with whom he had one child. He loved books, art, music and nature, and promoted scientific research.
He was born into his Moon dasa and Mercury antaradasa giving him an excellent vision of who he was to become. The Moon, although increasing in light, is a natural malefic and lord of the 10th house, a kendradhipati, but has no dosha because of his malefic nature. It also has good strength in shadbala. The 10th house is the 9th from the 2nd, and thus becomes the dharma of the eyes, the capacity to have vision, to see where one is going in life, as vision is a function of sight. Being born into the Moon dasa, Carnegie was born with a vision of who he was to become. A strong 10th house gives one that powerful vision to manifest the future, and thus gives rise to a good career. Those with a weak 10th bhava become confused about their direction and have no vision of the future.
The antaradasa at birth was Mercury, the lord of the 9th house, a Lakshmi-sthana and Bhagya-sthana, from both the Lagna and the Moon, and we can say that he was blessed from his very birth by the Grace of the Goddess of Wealth and this led him to greatness. Here we see that both the dasa lord and the antaradasa lord at birth are both placed in their digbala bhavas from the Lagna. We can therefore conclude that when the dasa lord and antaradasa at birth are favorable, it can give rise to a bright future provided of course other factors in the chart support that. It certainly gives the confidence to envision a hopeful destiny.
The Shubhapati: The Shubhapati is one of the most important planets in any chart. We saw that the Moon is placed in the sign of Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, and this can indicate struggles in early life. But here the Shubhapati is exalted Saturn in the lagna and we saw earlier that Saturn is involved in many of the great Yogas and a great boon to the native. But, in general, we can say that:
If the Shubhapati is weak, afflicted, and poorly placed with respect to the Lagna,
the person will suffer from negative thinking and will be self-defeating throughout his life.
It can lead to health problems as well as an inability to
form healthy primary relationships.
Here the Shubapati has the following attributes:
Saturn is exalted in the Lagna, giving rise to a Sasa Yoga.
Saturn is Yogakaraka for Libra Lagna because he is Lord of the 4th and 5th bhavas.
Saturn, as Yogakaraka, is conjoined Mercury, the 9th Lord from the Lagna and the Moon. It forms a powerful Raj Yoga from both the Lagna and Chandra Lagna, as well as an Amala Yoga from the Moon itself.
Saturn and Mercury are Mahayogada planets as they bring into relationship the Lagna, Hora Lagna (HL) and Ghati Lagna (GL).
The rasis dispositor of Saturn is Venus, a Yogada (GL) planet, and the nakshatra dispositor is exalted Rahu (GL), also a Yogada. Yogada planets related to the GL give power and those related to the HL give wealth.
Saturn is influenced by both Mercury and Jupiter, planets that give knowledge and learning.
Success and Fame: This gives Saturn exceptional strength in the chart. When Saturn is the Subhapati and placed in a kendra, the results come after the age of 36. The first house also represents the later years in life and planets therein promise success in those years provided they are favorably placed. The Saturn dasa was exceptional for this native and it ran from the age of 45 - 64. It gave him international fame and expansion in all of his enterprise. A powerful Subhapati gives great confidence to a native as well as authority and leadership along with the ability to manifest success in one’s endeavors.
His fortune came in a foreign country because Saturn is conjoined Mercury, the lord of the 9th and 12th bhavas. He sold his company to JP Morgan at the beginning of his Mercury dasa and received the extraordinary price of $500 million in 1901, equivalent to $16.8 billion in today’s money using an average inflation rate of 2.92% per year. Why did Mercury cause him to sell his company? Well, Mercury is the 9th lord, the 12th to the 10th, and is also the lord of the 12th house from the Lagna. The 12th house always has to do with loss and separation, the ending of things, but here the loss of his enterprise led to to great financial gain. Mercury is also the lord of the 9th house from the Moon. Much of his philantrophy took place in the Mercury dasa. The 9th and the 12th bhavas have to do with philantrophy and charitable donations as a form of service and he had given away $5.5 billion of his wealth by today’s estimate by the time of his death.
Saturn, Mercury & Jupiter: The powerful Raj Yoga in the Lagna is also aspected by Jupiter from the 9th bhava. The combination is in the 10th house from the Moon and this gives rise to an Amala Yoga, another combination that confers on the native a famous reputation. Any planet or bhava that receives the influence of both Mercury and Jupiter is blessed. Saturn is the primary karaka for work and career but Mercury and Jupiter are also karakas for the 10th house as is the Sun. Mercury and Jupiter give knowledge and learning as well as the association with learned folk, and Carnegie was well aware of the importance of knowledge in relation to his career as a business man.
Saturn & the Working Class: Carnegie was a great boon to the working class in western Pennsylvania and they in turn were a great boon to him. Saturn rules the working class. Yes, he did have problems with the unions but that was mostly due to the dictatorial and defiant management style of his business partner, Henry Clay Frick. His business partner was ruled by Mars in Scorpio and Frick had a reputation for being dictatorial and ruthless in his treatment of union workers. He was less tolerant of worker’s demands and strikes. Although Carnegie believed in fairness and was open to negotiation with the workers’ unions, he made the mistake of giving Frick full authority to deal with the unions in 1891. Frick employed a private security firm to implement his harsh plans to deal with the unions, and this led to one of the greatest battles in the history of the U.S. Labor movement, referred to as the Battle of Homestead or the Homestead Massacre in the history books on labor relations. The union workers were defeated.
Saturn of course is a cruel planet, a natural malefic, and malefics are exploitive in nature, even more so when they are exalted. Saturn often plays a very prominent role in the charts of Industrial Executives. Some accused Carnegie of exploitive tactics when it came to the treatment of the Steel Workers Union Members in the famous Battle of Homestead. Carnegie defeated the union but he later mentioned that it was an aspect of his history that he would have preferred didn’t happen.
Saturn - Navamsa & Karakamsa Lagna: There is another combination here that is worth noting. Saturn as Subhapati is the Lord of the Navamsa Lagna and the Karakamsa. The Karakamsa is the sign that the AK occupies in the Navamsa and it shows the destiny of the soul. Periods of spiritual enlightenment can be seen from this feature in a chart. Here Venus is the AK. This combination makes Carnegie a unique and great soul who was destined for great accomplishment in this world and many have benefited from his generosity and leadership and continue to do so to this day and well into the future.
We can see from this chart that we must always evaluate the Subhapati in the analysis of any chart. Every chart teaches us something about the principles of the ancients, and in this case we see that the exceptional strength of the Subhapati gave the native power, wealth, good fortune as well as the association of those who supported his goals and ambitions in the course of his destiny.
Immigration to the USA - Leaving Home
Rahu Dasa - Separation from the Mother Land: Carnegie entered his Rahu dasa on December 7, 1846 at the age of 11 and this brought major changes to the boy’s life. Rahu is exalted in the sign of Taurus and is placed in Krittika nakshatra in the 8th house of change. At that time, his native country was in a period of poverty and starvation, and his father was unable to make a living to sustain the family as a weaver. His mother became the primary breadwinner selling homemade goods in her little shop. Rahu is placed in the 12th from the 9th, the house of loss for the father. Rahu is the Matru Karaka (MK), the Chara Karaka for mother, and in the 5th house from the Moon; and because of his mother’s initiative and vision, the family left Scotland to arrive in Alleghany, PA in Rahu/Rahu/Ketu in September 1848. Rahu is in Krittika and has the nakshatra aspect on Sravana and Vishaka and therefore on the Moon (mother) and Mercury (father). And Rahu is the Karaka of all things foreign, but the mother was the source of initiative.
Rahu Dasa & Father’s Passing: Rahu was not good for the father’s destiny and I suspect that father was not entirely happy about the move to the new land. Rahu occupies the Sun’s nakshatra and is a maraka graha from the Sun as he occupies the 7th house from Surya, the naisargika Karaka for father. He also aspects the 9th house as well as the nakshatra aspect on the 9th lord, Mercury. Rahu was not good for the father’s health. The father left the world in Rahu/Mercury while Saturn was transiting the 9th house in the 64th navamsa from the Sun; at the same time Ketu was transiting over Mercury the lord of the 9th house. These are predictive principles. Further indications can be seen for father’s destiny in D-12, the Varga chart related to the destiny of the parents.
Rahu Dasa & Employment: Carnegie worked in the cotton mills as bobbin boy and later as a telegraph messenger on the railroads while he educated himself in the local libraries. He was a voracious reader. He was eventually promoted to the rank of Superintendent of the Military Railways and Union Government’s telegraph lines in the East. On entering his Jupiter dasa, in 1864, he began his business enterprises.
Jupiter Dasa & Sakata Yoga
Beginning of his Business Enterprise: Jupiter dasa began at the age of 29 and that’s when he began his acquisition of industrial businesses in the manufacture of iron and steel. Jupiter is the lord of his Arudha Lagna, the AL, and aspects the Lagna and the AL; and his image and reputation now jump to a new level. As lord of the 3rd house and 6th house from the lagna, it gave the native the courage and entrepreneurial spirit (3rd house) to compete in a major industrial enterprise (6th house). Jupiter is well placed in the 9H in his own nakshatra, Punarvasu, in the sign of Gemini, so Jupiter and Mercury are activated by this placement, and now the blessings come forth into the life of the native. This is a very good combination. It also gives rise to a Dhimantha Yoga, a Yoga for superior intelligence because of its activation of the 3rd, 5th and 6th bhavas.
The Devata for Punarvasus is Aditi, the Mother Goddess, and She blesses the native with abundance.
She is the Mother of the gods and the Twelve Adityas are Her offspring.
She confers abundance on the native
Srimantha Yoga: Jupiter is the AMK and because the AMK is placed in a Trikona from the Lagna and a Kendra from the AL, it confers success on the native. Jupiter also occupies A7, the Darapada, and when the Arudha Lagna and Darapada are in a Kendra or Trikona to each other, it confers success and prosperity on the native. It is referred to as a Srimantha Yoga and Jupiter in A7 activates this Yoga in a powerful beneficial manner.
The Upachayas: Jupiter is a functional malefic for Libra Lagna, as lord of houses 3 and 6, and we can’t ignore that. But we must also remember that these houses are Upachayas, growing houses, and both are aspected by Jupiter by rasi dristi, their own lord. Growth and expansion came easily to the native. Mars is the Karaka for these houses and here Mars is very strong. Some may say that Mars is combust but Mars is Agni tattva and so is the Sun; so we have to ask ourselves if Mars can be destroyed when it’s combust? Can fire be destroyed by fire? Unlikely. It actually increases the fire and gives rise to great determination, leadership and energy for accomplishment. Mars rules the 2nd and 7th bhavas, and much of Carnegie’s wealth came from the technical and business innovations that his partner Frick brought to the enterprise, although they eventually had a major falling out after the business was sold.
Sakata Yoga - Moon & Jupiter: What does Sakata do to one’s chart? It is said to cause difficulties, obstacles and delays in one’s endeavors. But here it gave great success to the native.
Sakata Yoga is formed when (i) Jupiter is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the Moon,
and (ii) when Jupiter becomes the lord the dusthanas from the Lagna or Moon.
Here we have or both.
The Sakata Yoga also exists in the Navamsa. There are a number of ways in which the Sakata Yoga gets broken in a chart, and this has to be examined. First we need to understand why Sakata Yoga is regarded to be such a bad combination.
The Karaka for houses 6, 8 and 12 is Saturn and that’s why the Rishis show poor
regard for the Yoga. These houses generally lead to one’s defeat and
destruction in the manifest world.
Jupiter represents knowledge, learning, optimism and opportunity; and when he occupies the bhavas ruled by Saturn, these glorious significations ruled by Jupiter are absent in the life. If Jupiter is in the dusthanas from the Moon the mind is deprived of such great attributes, and instead the mind is consumed by negativity. Saturn is the Karaka for those houses as they represent disappointment, obstacles, enemies and suffering. But here Saturn is the Subhapati and the Yogakaraka planet. He is also a Mahayogada planet and he is in a Trikona to Jupiter. Saturn is the Lord of 4th and 5th bhavas and influenced by Mercury and Jupiter and is in a Kendra from the Moon itself. The Yoga is completely broken.
Part II of this article will examine D-9 for the timing of marriage, D-2 and Dhana Yogas,
D-3 for courage and strength, D-4 and immigration, and D-10 for success.
Brendan Feeley is a professional vedic astrologer in the Washington, DC area. He holds graduate degrees in both engineering and Jungian psychology. He began his astrological studies while living in London in 1975 and attended lectures and classes at the London Theosophical Society by western astrologers Howard Sasportas, Liz Green and Ronald Davidson. In the early 1980s he began his study of vedic astrology because of his interest in Vedic spirituality and has been blessed with the generosity of many great teachers since that time. He offers classes on both the fundamentals and advanced aspects of Jyotish as well as regular ZOOM lectures on Mundane and Political Astrology to his students and the public. He practices Bhakti Yoga and can be reached at